Fascinated With the Mundane

Let's try to find the answers to all those WTF questions one post at a time.

Monday, November 14, 2011

WTF Are Your Pet Peeves?

What’s your pet peeve? I put that question out there, and I have to say I wasn’t too surprised at the amount of replies I received. I mean, everyone has more than a couple things that just irritate them right into a bad mood.  Some were as minor as poor grammar usage to something more serious like people abusing the system to get handicap parking placards when they are far from being disabled; however, all of them made perfect sense to a hater such as myself.

Some people have more pet peeves than others. I know I’m one of those people. Most people who know me are likely saying to themselves; Wouldn’t it be easier for you to list what DOESN’T piss you off, Diana? Pfffft….you are probably right, but where's the fun in that?  I thought about it, and there is an awful lot that I could write about, but I figured if I rambled on too long, I would just start to sound petty, so I will keep the list to the things that REALLY piss me off  down to a bare-bones minimum.

When People Use the Term “Retarded” as a Form of Mockery
This is probably my number one pet peeve. I cannot stand hearing someone say, “Quit acting so retarded.” or “That movie was totally retarded.” It makes my skin crawl and my blood boil. I have asked people whom I have heard say something like that – Have you ever been around someone who was actually retarded? Do you like making fun of people with disabilities? Usually, I get a response in the form of a stupid stare as if they have no idea what I am talking about, and the sad truth is that they usually don’t. My late sister was mentally retarded, and I find the misuse of the word a complete insult to any person with a developmental disability. I usually have to just chalk it up to unfortunate ignorance and let it go, even though I don’t think I should have to.

People Who Don’t Watch Their Kids

Seriously…there are so many people who should not be allowed to have a dog, let alone a child. I cannot count the number of times I have been at a mall, the grocery store, walking down the street – whatever – when I have seen a little Johnny or Jenny running at large. Where the hell is this kid’s parent or parents? Oh, yes…he or she is too busy chatting with friends over coffee while that child is wreaking havoc in the restaurant. He or she is far too busy bitching out a customer service rep on their cell phone in the park while their child strays dangerously close to that busy street.  If your life is so chaotic due to career or you are that fucking self-absorbed and irresponsible, for the love of all that is good, please do not have a child. I know that I cannot handle the responsibility required, nor do I possess the necessary selflessness to be a parent. That is why I have spared the public and made the conscious decision to NOT reproduce.  I guess I wish there were more people who accepted the same about themselves.

Twits Who Constantly Post Stupid Passive-Aggressive Shit Online

Let me begin by stating that I am not talking about clinical passive-aggressive personality disorder, nor am I trying to say that no one should ever act in a passive-aggressive manner. I think that it’s a defense mechanism at times, and we are all guilty of acting that way every now and then.

 I’m talking about those fools who are always making lame general statements to 400+ “friends” or “followers” that are obviously thinly veiled snarky attacks on a specific person. I know you know what I am talking about. Let me give you an example of a status that I immediately delete off my time line:

It’s times like these when I realize who my real friends are.
Thanks a lot for not being there for me.

Ok….what is this person talking about?  A reader’s initial reaction is wondering if they said something out of line, or in my case, said something completely rude and insensitive. I excel at that you know. I have asked posters of this silliness what the problem is, and I always get some dumb ass vague answer like, "Oh, I was just sayin'." WHAT? WTF KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT? This is obviously pointed at a person who is not being a friend to this sad little poster. My advice? Never waste more than 5 or 10 minutes feeling sorry for yourself and then let all that stupid shit go. If you can’t or refuse to get over it, call or personally message the person who is making you all emo, tell them exactly what your problem is, hash it out, get into an argument and make nice and bypass all this never-ending ‘woe is me’ bullshit. 

People Who Cannot Seem to Respect My Personal Space

This is a big one for me. When I tell people not to touch me, I am not being cute. I am serious. I do not like being touched, breathed on or in any other way spatially violated by people. It seriously pisses me off. If someone is standing in line behind me and feels the need to basically lean up against my back, as if it is going to get them closer to the front of the line – he or she will get one – and only one – warning glare. If they are somehow immune to my Jedi-esque back off, Jack look, he or she will be on the receiving end of my public wrath.  I am not kidding. I have humiliated space hogs in malls and crowded Starbucks in the past, and not felt the least bit bitchy or embarrassed.

 There you have it. The top peeves of a very long list. I know you have more than a few, so hit me. Let’s talk about all of the things we hate!